8D Problem Solving Training for Managers
- e-learning
- face-to-face
- problem solving



Be able to situate the 8D approach within a corporate problem-solving strategy
Our advantages
e-Learning or face-to-face
Your Feedback
- Enable managers to understand the benefits of an 8D approach and the principles of the method, without going into the details of the tools.
- Situate the 8D approach within a problem-solving strategy, the link with AIC Six Sigma approaches...
For whom
This e-learning course is designed for technicians, engineers and supervisors who have to solve problems in both the industrial and service sectors.
- Basic use of the Internet and a web browser.
- A level III qualification and/or 2 years' initial professional experience.
- Notions of quality are a plus.
3 hours of animated 100% e-Learning, quizzes, implementation of theoretical points on industrial simulators. The e-Learning is available 24/7 for 2 months for this training course.
Teaching and technical resources
- 100% E-Learning training on a dedicated platform
- Our teaching methods are mediatized (voice, text, exercises), fun and multimodal, with tests at every lesson.
- Theoretical presentations
- Case studies
- Online availability of PDF and Excel support documents
Teaching team
With over 30 years' experience, rich in teaching and practical experience, our industrial quality training organization provides you with training and consulting services to develop and improve your performance and know-how. All our consultants are Master Black Belt Lean Six Sigma and have at least 10 years' experience in applying Lean and Six Sigma tools in industrial environments.
This training course is accessible to people with disabilities. Please contact us for specific accommodation options. We will do our utmost to accommodate you.
Evaluation methods
- Attendance sheets.
- Oral or written questions (MCQs).
- Case studies.
- Practical work
Different approaches for different problems
- Understanding the objectives of machine learning
- How Machine Learning fits in with Big Datas, Artificial Intelligence...
- Know how to map the different tools: regression, dimension reduction, clustering, supervised (S) and unsupervised (NS) classification.
- Understanding what you can and can't do with Machine Learning
8D - from team to containment
- D0 - Decide whether 8D is suitable (prioritization matrix)
- D1 -Assembling the team
- D2 - Describe the problem (QQOQCP, IS NOT, Mapping)
- D3 - Confining problems (Choice Matrix, Selection Matrix)
Two learning modes
- E-learningSelf-paced learning100€
- 3-hour e-learning course
- Online support
- PresentialIn-company training2
- Problem solving using the 8D method
- Problem solving using the Dorian Shainin approach