About us of Ellistat

Ellistat is a close-knit, dynamic and innovative team

Our key figures


Creation of the company 





"The future lies in innovation. Innovation comes from people".

The Ellistat team is a software publisher. All our products are developed entirely in-house by our team of developers, which means you can be sure of the best:

  • Excellent responsiveness: We can deal quickly with all your requests for modifications and upgrades.
  • Optimal customer service: A technician is assigned to each of our customers to ensure accurate monitoring of your projects.
  • Constantly evolving: Innovation is continuous: the new features we develop are automatically integrated into your version, so there's no need to request an update.

Our vision

Make each plant capable of producing flawlessly on its own.

Our mission

Developing innovative software to automate every stage of production
Our successes
Innovation is our DNA
Commitment to the environment
Commitment to IT security

Our success

"The future lies in innovation. Innovation comes from people".

The Ellistat team had the pleasure of seeing its solution APC (Automated Process Control awarded at several professional events for its innovative nature:

2019 - Global Industrie  -Innovation prize in the "start-up" category for the APC (Automated Process Control) module, which automatically adjusts machine tools based on the measurement of a workpiece.

2020 - SIMODEC exhibition  - Innovation Award in the "Industry 4.0 Service" category for the 3D module that enables the APC to be configured directly by importing a CAD file of the part in .step format. This innovation opens up the possibility of controlling the production of complex parts in a minimum of time.

2024 - SIMODEC exhibition - Innovation Trophy in the "Quality & Measurement" category for the M400 connected APC in collaboration with Métro. It is designed for bar turners and eliminates the need for a computer in the workshop. Machine tools can be controlled directly from the measurement unit.

Prix Global IndustriePrix Simodec 2024

Every year we invest 30% of our sales in R&D.

Our love of technology drives us to develop the impossible. So, since 2017, several unique features have already seen the light of day... and many more are still to come!

Description Automated Process Control en image

Connection to measurement equipment

Automated Process Control, invented by Ellistat in 2017, has now become an industry standard, enabling you to create a closed loop for your machine tools in just a few clicks.
Module Plan d'expérience et Data Analysis Ellistat

Automatic construction of experimental designs

You no longer need to know the Taguchi tables to build your experimental designs. Ellistat is the first tool enabling you to automate the creation of your experimental designs.
Module Contrôle réception du logiciel de contrôle qualité Ellistat

Progressive control and dynamisation with characteristic

Ellistat's ambition in creating this module was to reduce the number of incoming quality inspections to ISO quality by 30%.
Logo eLearning Ellistat

Multilingual e-learning platform

A company can only be successful if it is structured and speaks the same language. To spread the quality culture, we have developed an E-Learning platform entirely dedicated to quality.
Module Analyse de données et machine learning du logiciel de contrôle qualité Ellistat

Multi-model optimisation

Using machine learning to predict a Y is all very well. But it's even better if you can optimise several Ys, using completely different types of model.
Opérateur devant le module métrologie du logiciel qualité Ellistat

And many more

Although this is just one of our innovations, we still have a lot in store in our roadmap ...

Respect for the environment is not an option at Ellistat. Ellistat is a committed company with a charter for respect for the environment.

  • We travel to our customers with 100% electric vehicles to limit our carbon footprint.
  • We recycle our waste
  • We come to the office by bike, public transport or car pool whenever possible.
  • We help our customers to reduce their waste by offering them our tailored services

We are one of the 8% most responsible companies in terms of CSR!

Evaluation Ecovadis

All our servers are hosted in Europe by European suppliers.

We're one of the 13% mature companies when it comes to cybersecurity!

We offer robust, well-documented APIs that enable seamless integration with your existing systems. 

Whether you use ERP, MES or other platforms, our APIs ensure smooth, efficient communication between our quality suite and your infrastructure.

Nos serveurs en europe

Our partners

Many companies place their trust in us and work with us as partners.