Capability calculation software
and control cards

Calculate all your capabilities, histograms and control charts in just two clicks
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Software for calculating capabilities and control charts 

Capability calculation and process monitoring via a control chart is at the heart of industrial statistical analysis. Ellistat speeds up analysis time, takes the guesswork out of complex data, and exports data in a customizable format for your customers.
Animation of the use of control charts and capability calculations with Ellistat capability software

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For us, the best way to prove that Ellistat is simple, ergonomic and complete is to let you test it for free for 1 month with your data and with your colleagues!

Ellistat capability calculation and control chart software 

Designed to meet specific industry needs

Process Control

ELLISTAT offers a simple graphical interface for visual display of all your data.

ELLISTAT can do it all, from calculating capability when data is normal or abnormal, to identifying outliers and calculating out-of-tolerance percentages. Finally, if you wish to interpret the chronological evolution of your data, simply plot the control chart to identify drifts over time.
Capability display and control card on Ellistat
Demonstration of a control board for Ellistat data analysis software

All analyses in one click

You've got multiple ratings and thousands of pieces of data to compile. ELLISTAT will do all the work in a single click.

All capability calculations, histograms and control charts are integrated on a single page, giving you a global view of your processes.

Ellistat is a simple yet comprehensive software package for calculating capability and control charts.

Interpreting attribute data

A supplier used to supplying you with an average of 1% of defects, supplies you with a batch of 100 parts containing 3 defects. Should you be alarmed, or is this finally normal?

To represent this, ELLISTAT provides intuitive graphical tools to better understand how data behaves in all everyday situations.
Demonstration of the descriptive statistics module of Ellistat data analysis software

Comprehensive software for calculating capabilities and control charts

Elementary statistics

  • Calculation of mean, standard deviation, median Tools for calculating basic descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation and median to summarize data.

Outlier testing

  • Identifying outliers Methods for detecting and managing outliers that may affect data analysis.

Confidence interval

  • Precision estimation : Calculation of confidence intervals to estimate the accuracy of calculated statistics and aid decision-making.

Variable control charts

  • Control card types : Support for various types of variable control boards, including X-bar, R, S, X-bar-R, X-bar-S, I, EM, I-EM, I-EM-R/S, zone, Z-EM.

Normal and non-normal capabilities

  • Capability analysis Tools for assessing process capability using normal and non-normal distributions

Attribute control charts

  • Attribute card types :Control chart support for attributes, including Laney's P, NP, C, U, P' and U'.

Chronological weighted control charts (EWMA)

  • Trend monitoring: Use of time-weighted control charts (EWMA) to detect trends and subtle changes in processes.

Multivariate control charts (T2)

  • Multivariate analysis Support for T2 multivariate control charts to monitor several variables simultaneously and detect joint variations.

Identifying and modifying the distribution

  • Customizing distributions Tools to identify the individual distribution of data and adjust the distribution used in analyses.

Easy navigation between data series

  • Quick navigation : Features that make it easy to navigate from one set of data to another with a single click, improving analysis efficiency.

Your Feedback

As part of the continuous improvement cycle of our product offering, both in the development and production phases, I wanted to develop a number of quality tools within the WIRQUIN Group. To achieve this, and given the stakes involved, it quickly became apparent that a data processing software package was essential to increase efficiency. I quickly chose Ellistat because of its numerous on-board functions and its easy access, even if the algorithms behind it are not so easy! What's more, its floating, rather than individual, licensing principle means a rapid return on investment. Don't ask me how we'd do without Ellistat now - I can't answer that question!
Laurent SALZAT
Group QESH Manager, Wirquin
Complete, powerful, efficient and impressively simple! A must-have for anyone who needs to have their data analyzed.
Laboratory & Quality Manager, DUBOIS DEPRAZ
Ellistat, an intuitive statistical tool!
Vincent GELLY
Quality Manager, SAINT GOBAIN

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