Training Systems Analysis

Understanding measurement variability
Illustration of a caliper to represent the Measurement Systems Analysis training course.

Measurement Systems Analysis Training

  • e-learning
  • face-to-face
  • statistics




150 €Ht/pers

Guaranteeing the validity of measurement systems

The Measurement Systems Analysis training course will give you the essential skills to guarantee the accuracy and reliability of measurement processes. You'll learn to identify sources of error, measure deviations in accuracy, and use Cg and Cgk indicators to assess precision. What's more, you'll master Gage R&R analysis to assess the repeatability and reproducibility of measurements, as well as the action to be taken in the event of non-conforming results.
At the end of the Measurement System Analysis training course, you will be able to conduct R&R analyses and ensure reliable measurement processes, a key asset in guaranteeing the quality of your products and industrial processes.

Our advantages

The Measurement Systems Analysis course is lively and interactive. Numerous exercises on Ellistat's Data Analysis software will enable you to put theory into practice. The resources and help provided by our teams will make it easier for you to assimilate complex concepts.
Trainees satisfied with training with ellistat
courses available in
e-Learning or face-to-face
of trainees recommend our courses
*September 2021 to September 2024
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Your Feedback

No disappointment, quite the opposite in fact, as the course follows a guiding principle. A very refreshing case study of a real industrial problem - a brewery!
Quality Manager, Saint Gobain
This training provided me with knowledge and mastery of basic statistical tools, directly applicable to our field of action at work.
R&D technician, Groupe SEB
Methodology very accessible to us industrialists, non-scientists: discovery of the inversion test, ergonomics and intuitiveness of the software used (Ellistat) compared to Minitab.
Materials Project Manager, Chatelain G&F
A fun, educational training program that inspires teams to get involved and roll out the approach on the shop floor.
Workshop Manager, Haute Horlogerie
The training really takes you deep into the method, and the Ellistat software is a real plus. The trainer is very knowledgeable and dynamic.
Engineer / Design Group Manager, Bosch Automotive
The subject is explored in detail with a logical progression throughout the training, without being drowned in information. You want to apply what you discover and learn.
Design Engineer, ORANO
I now know how to use the tools of the method to solve problems, but also to prove that the actions I've taken are improving the situation.
Workshop Manager, Haute Horlogerie


  • Characterize a measuring device.
  • Validate a measurement process by checking the accuracy of an instrument.
  • Validate a measurement process by checking instrument repeatability and reproducibility.
  • Analyze a measurement system and ensure its validity.

For whom

The Measurement Systems Analysis training course is designed for supervisors, technicians and engineers who use measurement systems and wish to determine the influence of their measuring equipment on their experimental results.


  • Basic use of the Internet and a web browser.
  • A level II qualification and/or 2 years' initial professional experience.
  • No previous statistical skills required.


5 hours of animated 100% e-Learning, certification practice quizzes, implementation of theoretical points on industrial simulators. The e-Learning is available 24/7 for 1 month for this training course.

Teaching and technical resources

  • 100% E-Learning training on a dedicated platform
  • Our teaching methods are mediatized (voice, text, exercises), fun and multimodal, with tests at every lesson.
  • Theoretical presentations
  • Case studies
  • Online availability of PDF and Excel support documents

Teaching team

With over 30 years' experience, rich in teaching and practical experience, our industrial quality training organization provides you with training and consulting services to develop and improve your performance and know-how. All our consultants are Master Black Belt Lean Six Sigma and have at least 10 years' experience in applying Lean and Six Sigma tools in industrial environments.


The Measurement Systems Analysis training course is accessible to people with disabilities. Please contact us for specific accommodation options. We will do our utmost to accommodate you.


Accuracy of a Measurement process

  • Identify sources of error in a measurement system
  • Know how to measure an accuracy deviation on a measurement process
  • Calculate and interpret Cg and Cgk indicators

Gage R&R aux Mesures

  • Understanding the benefits of Repeatability and Reproducibility analysis
  • Be able to conduct R&R
  • Interpreting R&R
  • How to react in the event of poor R&R

Attribute R&R pledge

  • Conducting an attribute R&R test
  • How to calculate a GRR% and a concordance
  • Interpreting a Kappa test
  • Interpret the results of an attribute R&R test
Order the Measurement Systems Analysis course

Two learning modes

  • E-learning
    Self-paced learning
    per trainee
    • 7 hours of e-learning courses
    • Online support
  • Presential
    In-company training
    on-site day
    • 1-day Gage R&R training
Machine tools machining a revolutionary part with automated process control

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