Graphic analysis software
Visualize your data

Easily format your data with intuitive software

Discover Data Analysis

Take control of your graphics

Ellistat reverses the problem of graphic formatting

You no longer need to know which chart is the right one, but which data to analyze. Ellistat offers you the right charts, and all you have to do is let us guide you.
Demonstration of Ellistat statistical analysis software

Test under real conditions

For us, the best way to prove that Ellistat is simple, ergonomic and complete is to let you test it for free for 1 month with your data and with your colleagues!

Ellistat graphical analysis software

Designed to meet specific industry needs

Graphic analysis software

The graphs are updated automatically when data changes. So you can filter the data and see the effect on your graphs straight away.

All our graphics can be customized to share the right information with your employees.
Capability display and control card on Ellistat

Comprehensive graphical analysis software

Point cloud

  • Visualizing Correlations Tools for creating scatter plots to examine relationships and correlations between two continuous variables.

Diagonal Matrix Graphics

  • Multivariate analysis : Generate diagonal matrix graphs to visualize relationships between several pairs of variables simultaneously.


  • Visual Statistical Summary Use whisker boxes to display the distribution of data, including median, quartiles and outliers.

Dot Plots

  • Frequency representation Create point diagrams to represent data distribution simply and effectively.


  • Data distribution Construction of histograms to illustrate the frequency of values in a dataset and identify trends and deviations.

Time series diagrams

  • Time Analysis Tools for creating time series diagrams, enabling you to track data variations over time.

Linear regression

  • Linear Relationship Modeling : Linear regression functions, to model and predict the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.

Statistical evidence

  • Model Validation Tools to provide statistical evidence such as p-values, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing to validate models and analyses.

Your feedback

As part of the continuous improvement cycle of our product offering, both in the development and production phases, I wanted to develop a number of quality tools within the WIRQUIN Group. To achieve this, and given the stakes involved, it quickly became apparent that a data processing software package was essential to increase efficiency. I quickly chose Ellistat because of its numerous on-board functions and its easy access, even if the algorithms behind it are not so easy! What's more, its floating, rather than individual, licensing principle means a rapid return on investment. Don't ask me how we'd do without Ellistat now - I can't answer that question!
Laurent SALZAT
Group QESH Manager, WIRQUIN
Complete, powerful, efficient and impressively simple! A must-have for anyone who needs to have their data analyzed.
Laboratory & Quality Manager, DUBOIS DEPRAZ
Ellistat, an intuitive statistical tool!
Vincent GELLY
Quality Manager, SAINT GOBAIN

Try before you buy

  • Demonstration
    15-day trial / 1 year for students
    / month
    • SPC
    • Statistical Analysis
    • Experimental Design
    • MSA
    • Graphical Analysis
    • Machine Learning
  • Standard
    The best in commitment-free data analysis
    / logged-in user / month
    • SPC
    • Statistical Analysis
    • Experimental Design
    • MSA
    • Graphical Analysis
    • Machine Learning
    • Technical support
    • Updates
    • Unlimited number of users
    • Tacit renewal subscription
  • Annual
    The best in data analysis (2 months free)
    / connected user / year
    • SPC
    • Statistical Analysis
    • Experimental Design
    • MSA
    • Graphical Analysis
    • Machine Learning
    • Technical support
    • Updates
    • Unlimited number of users
    • Tacit renewal subscription
Machine tools machining a revolutionary part with automated process control

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