Optimise your quality control

Control and improve batch quality according to ISO standards (ISO 2859, ISO 3951 or others) with Ellistat's quality control software (IQC).
Découvrir IQC
Illustration of the Ellistat Reception Control Module

Reduce your controls

Grâce au module IQC (Incoming Quality Control) d’Ellistat, automatisez votre contrôle qualité réception. Ce logiciel contrôle réception permet l’acceptation ou le rejet d’un lot de pièces présenté par un fournisseur interne ou externe. On parle aussi de contrôle d’entrée ou contrôle par échantillonnage mais aussi de contrôle final ou libératoire.
However, it is out of the question to control the entire production. This is why we take a sample and use ISO standards (ISO 2859, ISO 3951 or other) to guarantee an acceptable level of quality, which depends on the size of the batch, the level of control and the AQL.

Our assets

Connection to measuring equipment :

Automatically import measurement data into Ellistat regardless of the communication protocol (USB, Bluetooth, RS232, .txt files, etc.) to avoid manual input errors.
Using progressive control

Using progressive control :

To minimise the number of parts to be measured while guaranteeing the same level of quality
Management by feature type

Management by feature type :

To enable better monitoring of supplier quality

Comment marche un logiciel contrôle qualité ?

Une solution plug & play : Connectez vos moyens de mesure directement au logiciel contrôle qualité réception d’Ellistat (IQC) et quelque soit le mode de connexion (Bluetooth, USB, RS232, MMT…) enregistrez automatiquement l’ensemble de vos mesures qualité.

Définissez les critères d’acceptation de lot en amont (plan d’échantillonnage, type de contrôle…) et construisez la liste des fournisseurs. Ainsi, en fonction de l’historique des contrôles réalisés sur le lot, le module IQC va déterminer s’il faut réduire les contrôles ou au contraire les renformer. C’est ce qu’on appelle la dynamisation. Tout à été pensé pour vous rendre la vie plus facile !
Find out more

Our key features

Control range management

Control range management:

  • Defining and managing ranges by context
  • Range versioning
  • Mass updates from multi-level models
Dynamic control (normal, reduced, enhanced) :

Dynamic control (normal, reduced, enhanced) :

  • Configuration of dynamic control levels according to previous results
  • Automated switching between control levels (normal/reduced/reinforced) depending on results
  • Monitoring and history of changes in control levels

Sampling plan :

  • Creation and management of sampling plans in compliance with ISO 2859 and ISO 3951 standards, with the option of customisation.
  • Definition of sample sizes and acceptance/rejection criteria
  • Customisation of sampling plans according to the specific characteristics of products and suppliers
Progressive control :

Progressive control :

  • Implementation of progressive controls with adjustment of control frequencies based on results
Management of ISO 2859 and ISO 3951 standards

Management of ISO 2859 and ISO 3951 standards:

  •  Full compliance with ISO 2859 (sampling plan for inspection by attribute) and ISO 3951 (sampling plan for inspection by variable)
  • Automatic updating of standards and associated methodologies
Traceability and data recording

Traceability and data recording :

  • Complete recording of control data with sample traceability
  • History of checks and decisions taken, secure access and management of user rights to view and/or modify data
Inspection reports

Inspection reports :

  • Generation of detailed, customisable control reports
  • Integration of statistical data, graphs and results tables
Integration with existing systems

Integration with existing systems:

  • Accessible on Premise / on Cloud, full web technology 
  • API for integration with MES, ERP and other production management systems
  • Import and export data via CSV files, etc.
Intuitive user interface

Intuitive user interface :

  • Customisable dashboards
  • Clear, intuitive display of control data
  • Accessibility via different devices (PC, tablets, smartphones)
Request a demo

Our IQC methodology: à la carte support!

1. Diagnosis: First of all, before implementing the IQC module, it is essential to understand the production process as a whole.

2. Creating standards in a range: Parameterisation of the incoming inspection software and training of administrators in the use of the Ellistat IQC module.

3. Data transfer: Automated import of customer data into Ellistat.

4. User training: A reminder of the basic concepts of sampling.

5. Production start-up : To conclude, setting up field routines

Our methodology

Your feedback

The ergonomics and ease of use of the "Control by sampling" module enabled us to implement the solution in our "Quality" department in just a few months. Thanks to Ellistat IQC, we have made a significant leap forward. We have gone from operating entirely on paper to the solution proposed by Davy and his team. We now have a computerised history of our controls. The data exported by our measuring equipment is directly integrated into our inspection protocols, which are automatically adapted - in terms of severity - according to the history of our measurements.
Project engineer, LTM SA
Ellistat is a production tool that perfectly meets the expectations of Industry 4.0. Automated Process Control makes it easy to control the numerical controls, while guaranteeing a very high level of quality.
Quality Methods Manager, CARTIER HORLOGERIE
We've been using Ellistat every day for 2 years. The tool has enabled us to reduce our set-up times significantly and improve the quality of our parts. Machine set-up is easier and it's simple to use.
Mathieu NEFF
Process Quality Manager, EUROCAST

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