Minitab vs Ellistat how to choose the right statistical software?

Minitab vs Ellistat?

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Minitab vs Ellistat? Choosing the right statistical analysis software can sometimes be difficult. If Minitab is often associated with the market benchmark, a solution made in France does exist. It's the Ellistat Data Analysis. Here's a comparison of key functions.

User interface

With Minitab, you'll find a very rich interface with numerous tools available. It is, however, considered complex for non-statisticians.

At Ellistat, the interface is simplified and intuitive. It's an application designed to be used by operators and engineers alike.

Ease of use

While Minitab requires in-depth training to master the software, at Ellistat, the user guide provided is more than sufficient to get to grips with the tool. If required, as with Minitab, a two-day face-to-face training course can be offered to users to deepen their knowledge of the software and carry out practical case studies using customer data.

Business model

Minitab offers single-user annual licenses from €2037 per year. Ellistat offers a choice of floating monthly licenses at €95 per month or annual licenses at €950 per year (two months free). In addition, licenses are free for teachers, trainers, consultants and students.


At Minitab, the software is installed locally on each user workstation. At Ellistat, it's a full-web technology in SaaS mode.

Customization and integration with other tools

On the Minitab side, it is possible to customize the software using scripts via Minitab Workspace. Integration with external systems is only possible via export of .csv files. Reports and dashboards can be customized by users in Ellistat's Data Analysis software. Integration with external systems (ERP, MES, etc.) is seamless via API and native to the quality suite (see other modules offered by Ellistat).

Advanced functions

Minitab is a powerful statistical software package featuring a wide range of statistical tools: quality (measurement system analysis, control charts, capability, control plan), reliability study (distribution analysis, test plans, warranty analysis), product development (experimental design, sample power), professional analysis (correlation, time series analysis, visualization), process validation

Ellistat offers similar functions: SPC, statistical analysis, experimental design, measurement system analysis, graphical analysis... and other new functions such as Machine Learning and Dorian Shainin BoB vs WOW tools.

Minitab vs Ellistat: how to make the right choice?

Minitab is the best choice of software if your needs are focused on in-depth statistical analysis and you already have a good deal of expertise in the field of Six Sigma. Ellistat is the more versatile solution that will satisfy both experts and novices in statistics.