Statistical analysis software

Analyze your data. Simplify the management and interpretation of your data with advanced tools such as linear regression, machine learning and adapted statistical tests.
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Statistical analysis software to better understand your data

Select the columns to be studied and that's it, Ellistat guides you right through to interpretation of the results. Statistical analysis is that easy!

For experts, Ellistat offers you a full range of analysis tools, so you don't miss a thing in your data: multiple linear regression, PLS, neural networks, PCA, dendograms...
Demonstration of Ellistat statistical analysis software

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For us, the best way to prove that Ellistat is simple, ergonomic and complete is to let you test it for free for 1 month with your data and with your colleagues!

Ellistat statistical analysis software

Designed to meet specific industry needs

Hypothesis testing

When you're a beginner, the hardest part is knowing which statistical test to use. That's why ELLISTAT has a decision support module that guides you all the way to choosing the right hypothesis test.

Simply select the columns you wish to study. ELLISTAT automatically suggests the appropriate test, shading out unsuitable tests. It's never been easier.
Statistical test performed with Ellistat
Ellistat software for statistical analysis using a PCA test

A complete software package

ELLISTAT is a complete statistical analysis software package. Whatever test you need, 1P, 2P, Chi2, t-test, F-test, ANAVAR, Krustal Wallis, linear regression etc., ELLISTAT can do it for you.

For the more experienced, non-parametric hypothesis testing, principal component analysis, dendrograms, T2 maps and machine learning hold no secrets for Ellistat.

Intuitive analysis complexity

ELLISTAT takes you by the hand right to the end, showing you the result of your test in color.

If you don't know how to use ELLISTAT any more, take a look at our many video tutorials.
Use of Ellistat software for statistical analysis based on a linear regression test

Comprehensive statistical analysis software

Parametric tests

  • Commonly used tests Supports t, Z, F and other parametric tests for data analysis when normality assumptions are met.

Multivariate analysis

  • Study of Complex Relationships Tools for performing multivariate analyses to examine relationships between several variables simultaneously.

Automatic Proposal of Statistical Tests

  • Data-driven selection The software automatically suggests the most appropriate statistical tests according to the characteristics of the data selected.

Non Parametric Tests

  • Alternatives to Parametric Tests Inclusion of non-parametric tests such as sign tests, Wilcoxon tests, Friedman tests, etc., for data that do not meet normality assumptions.

Power of a Sample

  • Power calculation Tools for determining the sample size needed to reliably detect an effect in statistical studies.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

  • Dimensionality Reduction: Techniques for reducing the number of variables in a dataset while retaining as much information as possible.

Factorial analysis

  • Identification of Underlying Factors Methods for identifying underlying structures (factors) in data and understanding relationships between variables.

Linear regression and PLS (Partial Least Squares)

  • Relationship Modeling Tools to perform simple and multiple linear regressions, as well as partial least squares regressions for data with collinearity.

Neural Network Analysis

  • Advanced Modeling Using neural networks to model complex, non-linear relationships in data.

Other statistical analyses

  • Diversity of tools : Inclusion of numerous other statistical tools and tests to meet a wide range of analysis needs.

Your feedback

As part of the continuous improvement cycle of our product offering, both in the development and production phases, I wanted to develop a number of quality tools within the WIRQUIN Group. To achieve this, and given the stakes involved, it quickly became apparent that a data processing software package was essential to increase efficiency. I quickly chose Ellistat because of its numerous on-board functions and its easy access, even if the algorithms behind it are not so easy! What's more, its floating, rather than individual, licensing principle means a rapid return on investment. Don't ask me how we'd do without Ellistat now - I can't answer that question!
Laurent SALZAT
Group QESH Manager, WIRQUIN
Complete, powerful, efficient and impressively simple! A must-have for anyone who needs to have their data analyzed.
Laboratory & Quality Manager, DUBOIS DEPRAZ
Ellistat, an intuitive statistical tool!
Vincent GELLY
Quality Manager, SAINT GOBAIN

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  • Demonstration
    15-day trial / 1 year for students
    / month
    • SPC
    • Statistical Analysis
    • Experimental Design
    • MSA
    • Graphical Analysis
    • Machine Learning
  • Standard
    The best in commitment-free data analysis
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    • Tacit renewal subscription
  • Annual
    The best in data analysis (2 months free)
    / connected user / year
    • SPC
    • Statistical Analysis
    • Experimental Design
    • MSA
    • Graphical Analysis
    • Machine Learning
    • Technical support
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    • Tacit renewal subscription
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