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Explore our various articles:

Does SPC still have a place in our workshops?
For over forty years, SPC has been an integral part of the production environment. It is the method by which manufacturing processes are monitored by...

Inbound inspection: how to optimize it?
An incoming inspection plan is used to decide on the acceptance of a batch on the basis of samples taken from the batch. Several types of sampling are taken into account in order to...

5 tips for setting up sample testing
The quality of a product depends to a large extent on the quality of its components. And yet, it's still very common to see large industrial companies sourcing components...

How to calculate the capability indices Cp, Pp, Ppk
In this article, we'll look at how to calculate the various capability indices, in particular Cp, Pp and Ppk. To fully appreciate the capability of a process, the notion...

Parametric and non-parametric statistical tests
Before going into the details of parametric and non-parametric tests, let's review how statistical testing works. Ellistat's Data Analysis module enables you to perform these tests. A statistical test works...

Normality tests
To test normality, there are several tests that can be used to validate or invalidate the hypothesis that the distribution of parts follows a normal distribution. The tests most commonly used are...

What is the R&R pledge?
The R&R guarantee is used to qualify a measurement process. This means checking that the variability of the measurement process is compatible with the variability of the quantity to be measured. It...

Problem Solving
When faced with a problem, you need to be able to identify what kind of problem it is. This enables you to adapt the right problem-solving method. It's...

SPC: What's it for?
SPC or MSP? What is it used for? SPC (Statistical Process Control) is a quality control method used to ensure the quality of a product...

SPC Belief vs Reality
6 preconceived ideas about using SPC (Statistical Process Control) software in business 1. SPC is useless unless machines are modern and accurate Some people believe that...

Proof, tea and Fisher: the origin of experimental design
In the design of experiments in statistics, the lady drinking tea is a random experiment reported by Ronald Fisher in his book The Design of Experiments...

Taguchi's experimental design
The Taguchi experimental design is a statistical method used to improve the quality of products and manufacturing processes. Developed by Dr. Genichi Taguchi, it aims to...