Le module Data Analysis d’Ellistat offre une multitude de graphiques adaptés aux données saisies grâce à sa capacité à analyser les caractéristiques des données et à sélectionner automatiquement les types de graphiques les plus pertinents. Cette diversité inclut des graphiques en barres, circulaires, des graphiques linéaires, et bien d’autres, permettant ainsi aux utilisateurs de choisir celui qui convient le mieux à leur analyse.
To access the various graphs, simply click on the main graph menu.
The graphic page is composed of 3 zones:
- Zone 1: To select the variables to be plotted.
- Zone 2: Graphic selection zone.
- Zone 3: Graphic zone.
1. Zone 1: Variable selection
Ellistat uses a black-box approach to generate graphs from data. This means that the data used comes from a process where one or more factors have been modified in order to observe their impact on the data.
Y: The plotted data
Xi: X's that can have an impact on Y
In zone 1, you can specify the response Y and the factor(s) Xi. Depending on the selected configuration, Ellistat Data Analysis will generate one or more result categories, which will be displayed in zone 2.
2. Zone 2 : choix du graphique
Below is a summary of the graph categories offered by Ellistat Data Analysis. Let's take the example of the following offset data: Example
Several analyses can be performed on this dataset.
⇒ Quantitative data:
For quantitative data, Ellistat offers two distinct categories of graph to better represent the information.
These graphs are particularly suitable when the data involves counts, such as the number of times an event occurs, or the distribution of a population according to specific categories. For example, a bar chart or pie chart could be used to visualize the distribution of sales by product within a company.
These graphs are best suited when quantitative data represent measures, such as dimensions or strengths. For example, a histogram could be used to represent the distribution of heights in a population of individuals, or a scatter graph could illustrate the relationship between two variables such as height and weight in a given population.
By offering both types of graphics, Ellistat enables users to adapt the visualization to the specific nature of their quantitative data, improving the understanding and interpretation of results.
The video below shows how to plot these different graphs with Ellistat Data Analysis:
⇒ Qualitative data
For qualitative data, Ellistat offers proportion graphs.
These graphs are particularly suitable when the data involves counts, such as the number of times an event occurs, or the distribution of a population according to specific categories. For example, a bar chart or pie chart could be used to visualize the distribution of sales by product within a company.
If the data column contains text, Ellistat will automatically display only proportion graphs.
The video below shows how to plot these different graphs with Ellistat Data Analysis:
⇒ Quantitative or qualitative data based on one or more factors
If you wish to study the impact of one or more factors Xi on a response Y. Ellistat offers several categories of graphs.
La présence ou l’absence d’une catégorie de graphique dépendra de plusieurs variables, telles que le nombre de facteurs, la nature des réponses et des facteurs (qu’ils soient quantitatifs ou qualitatifs), ainsi que le nombre de modalités disponibles, et autres facteurs.
These graphs are particularly suitable when the data involves counts, such as the number of times an event occurs, or the distribution of a population according to several specific categories. For example, a bar chart or pie chart could be used to visualize the distribution of sales by product within a company.
Le deuxième type de graphique concerne les données de population. Ces graphiques sont plus adaptés lorsque les données quantitatives représentent des mesures, telles que des dimensions ou des forces. Par exemple, un histogramme pourrait être utilisé pour représenter la distribution des tailles dans une population d’individus, ou un graphique de dispersion pourrait illustrer la relation entre deux variables telles que la taille et le poids chez une population donnée.
XY - MultiX - Correlation
Le 3ème type de graphique concerne ceux qui étudient la relation entre la réponse Y et les facteurs X comme est le multivari, la matrcie de corrélation ou le graphique XY. Ces graphiques permettent de visualiser simultanément les relations entre plusieurs variables.
The video below shows how to plot these different graphs with Ellistat Data Analysis: