Ellistat Data Analysis allows you to carry out an XY correlation study, to measure and analyze the relationship between two quantitative variables. This study determines whether and how the variables vary together. Here's a guide to carrying out a correlation study between two quantitative variables.
The links below contain the data used for the XY correlation study proposed by Ellistat Data Analysis. Let's take the following data as an example:
Independent Data 🇺🇸/ Données indépendantes🇫🇷
Example 1: Find the correlation between a response Y and a factor X :

- Place quantitative data in the grid with two columns X and Y. In the example, we want to find the correlation between Y="strength" and X="delta".
- Click on the "Inferential statistics" menu.
- In the zone 1Select the "Force" column in Y and the "Delta" column in X.
- In zone 2, select your data type. By default, if the 2 columns selected contain quantitative values, Ellistat will plot the correlation curve between Y and X. In addition to the XY sub-menu, you can also choose the "Proportion", "Population" or correlation sub-menus 📝: choose "" XY
- In zone 3to obtain a graph: the scatterplot shows the values of Y for values X .
- In the zone 4the following elements are available:
- the linear regression model of Y as a function of X, of the type Y= aX+b
- The coefficient of determination R², is a statistical measure used to assess the predictive quality of a linear regression model. It indicates the proportion of the variance of the dependent variable that is explained by the variance of the independent variable.
- the P-value, which characterizes the degree of significance of the impact of factor X on response Y. In other words, it helps determine whether the results observed are statistically significant and whether the regression coefficients are different from zero.